United States Military Conducted Disinformation Social Media Campaign in the Philippines During Worst Days of COVID

United States Military Conducted Disinformation Social Media Campaign in the Philippines During Worst Days of COVID

Part of my work involves reading the news from the major news outlets every day including Reuters. Last Friday I read a shocking and horrific story and put up a quick reel about it on my Instagram page. I had to calm down enough to put some effort into a more polished reel, which is much longer (about a minute and a half) and includes quotations and graphics from the Reuters article. Here is a public view link if you want to see the full reel without visiting my Instagram page.



The local weather lately has been blissful, and I am feeling summery. Let’s get to it! I am not sure what I am going to be doing this summer, but I am determined to be out and about as much as I can and do as many fun things as I can.

I’m not enough

I’m not enough

Over the years I have realized if I am thinking something, then the chances are very good many people, even millions potentially, are thinking the same thing. So, I offer this poem I wrote today in that spirit and with that thought..

In Praise of Real Women

In Praise of Real Women

A few months ago I created an Instagram page for this blog (@mollyjossoutloud). Someone had asked me why I had a company page (@jossgroup), but not a personal one. I thought about it for a few minutes and then said, “Why not?” Since then I’ve posted frequently, often using videos using stock video and audio from Canva and sometimes Instagram (for the audio). Most of my posts do not get a lot of views, which does not concern me. The people who need to see my social media content will see it.

On April 27th, though, I posted a simple screen capture with a brief instrumental audio clip to accompany it. To my surprise, I’ve now had more than 2,500 views with a reach of more than 1,200 accounts, 69 likes, 18 shares, and four saves.

Tomorrow is Not Promised

Tomorrow is Not Promised

What I create from attempts to process my feelings, I do not normally share with others. I also do not normally share deeply personal content on this blog, so this post is an exception. During the last two years or so I have lost four people who meant a great deal to me. Two of them died after suffering protracted, punishing illnesses, one died from COVID-19, and one to suicide.

Recently I created the video on this post to commemorate the life of my niece Renee who died two years ago this month (COVID), but it is really about all of the loss.

Good-bye 2023!

Good-bye 2023!

The year now closing soon on the East Coast of the United States has already exited in other parts of the world. For many it was a memorable year, but not in a good way. So, good riddance to all that!

It is That Time of the Year Again

It is That Time of the Year Again

It is that time of year again: the holidays. I do my best to enjoy the time and the various activities involved in ending up the year. Most of what I do is not traditional, but that is fine with me. I do the things I enjoy and eat what I like and do not worry about the rest of it all including expectations and norms.

The Mark of Happiness

The Mark of Happiness

Last week I spent an afternoon visiting the USGA Museum and Library in Liberty Corner, New Jersey. If you like golf or sports of any kind, then you will enjoy the exhibits and the putting green out back. If it is a really nice sunshiny day (as it was the day I was there) and there are no other museum visitors, then they might let you go round the green twice (as they did me).

On the Possible Dangers to the Human Race Poised by Artificial Intelligences

On the Possible Dangers to the Human Race Poised by Artificial Intelligences

I wrote the first draft of this post back in July of this year when the first wave of the Fear AI tsunami hit the media. It was a big wave, and the folks at the WHY Files YouTube show did a good job in capturing the emotional impacts in their episode, Artificial Intelligence Out of Control: The Apocalypse is Here | How AI and ChatGPT End Humanity. It was, though, a recent news article that caught my attention and made me decide to revise and publish this post today.

Words Matter

Words Matter

As a writer I spend a lot of time thinking about the meaning of words. I like doing that, and I like using words to paint a verbal picture. As a human being, I also spend a lot of time thinking about words said to me, sometimes probably too much time.