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Month: August 2022

Student Loan Debt: Major Progress in Eliminating It! Thank you, President Biden!

Student Loan Debt: Major Progress in Eliminating It! Thank you, President Biden!

Today President Biden announced a major new program to eliminate the school loan debt of some people and to help make the debt load for others much easier! This is great news! I needed a lot of scholarship money and took out loans for my undergraduate degree at Bryn Mawr College. The college helped a lot with its own money, and I was a National Merit Scholar. But, I had to take out loans. Without them I could not have…

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Pondering Some of the Last Minute Activity on the Titanic

Pondering Some of the Last Minute Activity on the Titanic

I have to admit there have been times in the last few years (talking about my life during these past few years of COVID) when I contemplated scenes from second half the 1997 blockbuster movie Titanic. Specifically, I mean the scenes where the ship musicians just play on while people are trying to get off the ship, and the situation is dire. For some, these scenes would seem idiotic. I mean, really, playing music with death and destruction all around?…

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Hiatus No More

Hiatus No More

One of the definitions of the word “hiatus” is an interruption in time or continuity. Well, that fits. I was on hiatus as far as this blog is concerned during the initial years of the COVID pandemic. My attention was needed elsewhere, but now I am back. Stay tuned for future posts, and thanks for listening. I have something to say. Photo credit: Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash