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Month: December 2022

The Holidays Are Here!

The Holidays Are Here!

Do not be afraid to set boundaries and defend them. Do what you need to keep yourself sane. Only the people who you are better off not having in your life will try to argue against this wisdom.

Chicago: Remembering the Soundtrack of My Youth

Chicago: Remembering the Soundtrack of My Youth

Rarely do I buttonhole people and tell them they just have to see something or read something. Here is one of those rare times: if the word “Chicago” means anything more to you than the name of a city in Illinois, then you must watch The Last Band on Stage.

Chilly Days and Decembers: Winter Poetry

Chilly Days and Decembers: Winter Poetry

Some years I like to tuck a holiday/winter poem in with my holiday cards. Some years I write a poem; some years it is written by someone else. No matter, I always like reading around to see what I can find. Today, a chilly and rainy day in early December, I found this one.