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Month: February 2023

Nine Unique Opportunities for Compassion Every Day

Nine Unique Opportunities for Compassion Every Day

… A Johns Hopkins study found giving just 40 seconds of compassion can lower another person’s anxiety in a measurable way. 

A University of Toronto study found, in everyday life (e.g., the workplace) we have, on average, nine unique opportunities for compassion every day.

Faith, Hope, Love

Faith, Hope, Love

“The greatest of these is love.” Been thinking a lot lately of one of my favorite chapters in the Bible: 1 Corinthians 13. Such amazing wisdom in these few words! I have always drawn great comfort and encouragement from every word. Most recently, though, is the last two sentences in the chapter I have been turning over in my mind: “(13). And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. (14.) But the greatest of these is love.” I have…

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