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Month: August 2023

Getting to Fall, Y’all!

Getting to Fall, Y’all!

It is hot here today, but I am not complaining. Okay, maybe a little, but the air conditioning is working, and it is cool (literally and figuratively). Still, I can tell Fall is coming, and I am looking forward to the change of seasons! I love the colors of autumn, the scents, the crispness in the air, the foods…

Feeling Stuck?

Feeling Stuck?

Try looking at your situation from this perspective. You may find a respite is not so bad right now, and hopefully you will get a burst of energy or the winds will shift direction in your favor.

The Ultimate Touchstone of Friendship

The Ultimate Touchstone of Friendship

I am doing some design work for a client and it involves the poetry of David Whyte, whose poetry was new to me at the start of this project. The more I get into the project the more I find myself catching my breath as his words are just so exquisite and the meanings so penetrating.