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Month: November 2023

It is That Time of the Year Again

It is That Time of the Year Again

It is that time of year again: the holidays. I do my best to enjoy the time and the various activities involved in ending up the year. Most of what I do is not traditional, but that is fine with me. I do the things I enjoy and eat what I like and do not worry about the rest of it all including expectations and norms.

The Mark of Happiness

The Mark of Happiness

Last week I spent an afternoon visiting the USGA Museum and Library in Liberty Corner, New Jersey. If you like golf or sports of any kind, then you will enjoy the exhibits and the putting green out back. If it is a really nice sunshiny day (as it was the day I was there) and there are no other museum visitors, then they might let you go round the green twice (as they did me).