America: Please Thank the Women and Men in Congress Who Stood Up for America on January 6, 2017

America: Please Thank the Women and Men in Congress Who Stood Up for America on January 6, 2017

Although today it seems like it happened a million years ago, it was only a few days ago when some very brave American Congressmen and Congresswomen stood up for America. On Friday, January 6, 2017, the following Patriots stood up for America to protest Electoral College votes:

  • Congressman James McGovern,
  • Congressman Jamie Raskin,
  • Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal,
  • Congresswoman Shelia Jackson Lee,
  • Congressman Raul Grijalva, and
  • Congresswoman Maxine Waters.

Not a single, solitary United States Senator had the guts to stand and add his or her voice to the protest. Had only one done so, it might have been possible to stop Donald Trump in his tracks. As the Senators know, more than 50 Electoral College votes for Donald Trump were cast illegally. The Electoral College vote was conducted improperly and should have been discarded on January 6, 2017.

Donald Trump must not become President of the United States. He is a Russian Spy and much, much more. Stopping him must be done legally using all the laws at our disposal. But,  he must be stopped. Again, understand I am not condoning or advising the use of illegal means. Nothing illegal, nothing violent. But, he must be stopped.

I would like to thank these six brave men and women for standing up for America. I hope your constituents take note of your bravery and support you in future efforts to protect and defend America.

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