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Author: Molly Joss

Researchers Develop Memory Aiding Typeface

Researchers Develop Memory Aiding Typeface

In the Seybold Report newsletter, we love reporting on typefaces, especially history of type design and new typefaces. I laughed out loud when I learned about this new one (see below), and, of course, we had to share the news with the Seybold Report subscribers in the last issue (18.19) of the newsletter, which published earlier this month. “Researchers Doctor Janneke Blijlevens and Doctor Jo Peryman from RMIT’s Behavioral Business Lab (Melbourne, Australia) collaborated with the School of Design to…

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Self-Publishing Authors Set Record! More than One Million Books Self-Published in 2017

Self-Publishing Authors Set Record! More than One Million Books Self-Published in 2017

Congratulations to self-publishing book authors for making 2017 a record breaking year in terms of raw output! Bowker has published a study on just how prolific these authors were last year. Here is how the company describes the impressive growth rate: “The clear message communicated by the 2017 data is self-publishing is still evolving, still growing at a rapid pace, and shows no signs of slowing down. The largest increase was in print books, showing an increase of 38%…Self-publishing grew…

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Signal Boosting: Copycat Recruiting Sites Targeting Our Military

Signal Boosting: Copycat Recruiting Sites Targeting Our Military

Wanted to do a little signal boosting here as this recent Federal Trade Commission (FTC) news is important. Apparently, there are incredibly sick and devious people out there who have put together fake job recruiting sites targeting our military! From the September news brief from the FTC: Service members understand the serious responsibility of enlisting in the armed forces. But some companies may try to take advantage. If you or a loved one is visiting military recruiting Web sites to…

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The Invaluable Role of Enthusiasm in Book Publishing

The Invaluable Role of Enthusiasm in Book Publishing

The act of publishing is essentially the act of making public one’s own enthusiasm. Robert Gottlieb In terms of the timing for this blog post what caught my attention first was a press release. I get press releases about new books all the time, but this one got my attention because it spoke to me of enthusiasm, genuine enthusiasm. Frankly, I am not a boxing fan, but I am a fan of books and this line rang all the right…

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Celebrate Museum Day: Get Free Tickets to Visit a Museum Saturday, September 22, 2018

Celebrate Museum Day: Get Free Tickets to Visit a Museum Saturday, September 22, 2018

Museum Day is a wonderful annual program run by the Smithsonian Institution in the United States. Museum Day is a one-day event in which participating museums and cultural institutions across the United States provide free entry to anyone presenting a Museum Day ticket. Participants may download one ticket per e-mail address. The ticket provides free general admission on Saturday, September 22, 2018, for two people. Here is the link to find out more, select a museum, and create the ticket:….

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Methbot: the Method by Which Russians Are Stealing Millions of Digital Advertising Dollars From Advertisers and Publishers Every Day

Methbot: the Method by Which Russians Are Stealing Millions of Digital Advertising Dollars From Advertisers and Publishers Every Day

Here we present the last of the articles which relate to the horrors Facebook has helped unleash on the world that my company, the Joss Group, published in the now defunct Digital Marketing Report newsletter. In this article, originally published in the January 2017 issue, we present a harrowing tale of theft on a dizzying scale. When you read the article, I want you to think about what Putin might be doing with this money and how the same approach used…

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Facebook Should be Worried About the FTC and Here is Why

Facebook Should be Worried About the FTC and Here is Why

Last week several news outlets, including the Washington Post, ran articles saying the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is investigating Facebook, and a few days later the FTC officially confirmed the reports. Most of the articles said the FTC is looking into how Facebook has been butchering an agreement the FTC reached with the company back in 2011 regarding Facebook’s mis-use of user data back then. If the FTC concludes Facebook ignored the agreement, it could fine the company tens of…

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Theft on Auto-Pilot: Bot Fraud in Digital Advertising or How to Waste Millions of Dollars Without Really Trying

Theft on Auto-Pilot: Bot Fraud in Digital Advertising or How to Waste Millions of Dollars Without Really Trying

Bots are digital robots programmed to do something online. Okay, there is a lot more to what bots are and what they do, but for now let’s just go with this quick definition. Bots are doing a lot of bad things online. One of the most costly things they do online (costly for advertisers and marketers) is pretend to be human and to look at digital advertising. Several times we wrote in the Digital Marketing Report about such misdeeds and…

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What Vizio was Doing Behind the TV Screen (Hint: It is Creepy, Very Creepy)

What Vizio was Doing Behind the TV Screen (Hint: It is Creepy, Very Creepy)

What Facebook has been caught out doing is bad, really, really bad. And, there is much more to this horrible story to come out in the news, much, much more. Meanwhile, here is a story we published in the February 20, 2017 issue of the Digital Marketing Report newsletter. I have uploaded it here as two JPEG images. Here, though, is some of the text from the article (in case you cannot enlarge the page images enough to read them):…

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