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Category: Journalism

Facebook Should be Worried About the FTC and Here is Why

Facebook Should be Worried About the FTC and Here is Why

Last week several news outlets, including the Washington Post, ran articles saying the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is investigating Facebook, and a few days later the FTC officially confirmed the reports. Most of the articles said the FTC is looking into how Facebook has been butchering an agreement the FTC reached with the company back in 2011 regarding Facebook’s mis-use of user data back then. If the FTC concludes Facebook ignored the agreement, it could fine the company tens of…

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Some Thoughts on Why the Fake News Cyclone Keeps Getting Bigger and Bigger — Molly Joss Out Loud

Some Thoughts on Why the Fake News Cyclone Keeps Getting Bigger and Bigger — Molly Joss Out Loud

I read an interesting article today about how the major news outlets are trying to combat the spread of fake news on their sites–these news items turn up as advertisements, not in-line copy (publishing term). As Pew Research Center reports have shown, most people have a really hard time distinguishing between ads which look like […] via Why the Fake News Cyclone Keeps Getting Bigger and Bigger — Molly Joss Out Loud

Nine Questions to Help Verify Information

Nine Questions to Help Verify Information

Finding people with excellent critical thinking skills seems to be on the top of every employer’s wish list. It is also a very important goal for educators to help students of all ages develop such skills. And, yes, it is a skill and everybody can learn it and improve existing skills levels. Here’s a good starting point if you want to know more about how: 

The Ida B. Wells Society

The Ida B. Wells Society

The Ida B. Wells Society’s mission is to increase the ranks, retention, and profile of reporters and editors of color in investigative reporting. via Ida B. Wells Society — Discover