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Category: Politics

To All Politicians in the Democratic Party: Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way! America is Coming Through!

To All Politicians in the Democratic Party: Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way! America is Coming Through!

This is an open letter to all politicians who label themselves Democrats: you must lead, follow, or get out of the way because America is coming through!  Donald Trump is a menace to the world. He is an illegitimate President who is in the White House because hate, cowardice, theft, and lies put him there. He must be removed without delay and all his fellow spies, henchmen, and crooks with him. All of them must go! There are Democrats who…

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Six Easy Ways to Stop the Republican Party from Killing Millons of Americans

Six Easy Ways to Stop the Republican Party from Killing Millons of Americans

The Republican Party’s senior leadership (RPSL) in Washington has made it crystal clear they want to destroy the Affordable Care Act (ACA), an insurance program put into place under President Obama’s administration. Currently the plan covers more than 20 million Americans, many of whom could not get insurance in other ways or who would otherwise be forced to pay horrendously high monthly premiums to get insurance coverage. Repealing the ACA would strip away their health insurance completely. As a result,…

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How Did a Russian Spy Get Elected President of the United States?

How Did a Russian Spy Get Elected President of the United States?

Recently on Twitter we received a query from a lovely woman in Canada, let’s call her Betsy to help protect her identity. She asked, understandably, “How in the world did a Russian Spy (Donald Trump) get elected President of the United States?” I promised Betsy an answer and here it is: Donald Trump was aided and abetted by senior people in the Republican party. These people pushed legitimate, non-Spy candidates out of the way during the Republican primary in order to…

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America: Please Thank the Women and Men in Congress Who Stood Up for America on January 6, 2017

America: Please Thank the Women and Men in Congress Who Stood Up for America on January 6, 2017

Although today it seems like it happened a million years ago, it was only a few days ago when some very brave American Congressmen and Congresswomen stood up for America. On Friday, January 6, 2017, the following Patriots stood up for America to protest Electoral College votes: Congressman James McGovern, Congressman Jamie Raskin, Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, Congresswoman Shelia Jackson Lee, Congressman Raul Grijalva, and Congresswoman Maxine Waters. Not a single, solitary United States Senator had the guts to stand and add his or her voice to…

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What in the World Has Happened to the Republican Party?

What in the World Has Happened to the Republican Party?

I have tweeted about this a great deal: the senior Republican Party leadership is about the unleash on the world a President who is a Russian spy and all manner of other unspeakable things. Which leads me to my Big Question in this post: What in the world has happened to the Republican Party? The Party of Lincoln and Reagan has become the party of Tricky Dicky Nixon and Trash Talking Trump the Russkie Spy. How? What has possessed the…

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What Senator Harry Reid Told Congress About Donald Trump in September 2016

What Senator Harry Reid Told Congress About Donald Trump in September 2016

On September 15, 2016 Senator Harry Reid addressed the Senate and told his fellow Senators, and by extension, the entire Congress exactly what he thinks about Donald Trump. We know this because his comments are recorded in the Congressional Record. That’s right, he went on the record. Among other things, he called Donald Trump: a human leech; a notorious con artist; a swindler who, if given the chance, would “turn America into a big scam just like Trump University;” and a…

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Political Thriller Pitch or History in the Making? You Decide…

Political Thriller Pitch or History in the Making? You Decide…

Michael opens the curtains in his hotel room and looks out at the brighter than blue morning sky in Hollywood. But, budding movie mogul Michael is not in Hollywood to sit by the pool or stare at the sky. He has one goal in mind—to sell his idea for a political thriller movie to the world renown and very rich movie producer, Harvey Gump. Every time Michael thinks about this opportunity, which took him forever to land, he has to…

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How to Spot and React to a Twitter Troll Bot

How to Spot and React to a Twitter Troll Bot

Twitter troll bots are not new. Reports of them have been surfacing in the tech media world for years now. They are bits of computer code which comb through tweets looking for keywords, hashtags, and phrases. They can be programmed to follow certain Twitter handles, as well. When they see one they have been programmed to spot, they respond with something nasty designed to intimidate, frighten, etc. It is important to realize these are bots, and not people, when something…

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We Need to Have Faith in the United States Constitution and Laws

We Need to Have Faith in the United States Constitution and Laws

On the Joss Group Twitter feed (@thejossgroup) we have been sending out a lot of tweets referencing news stories from reputable news outlets regarding Donald Trump and his ties to Russia and the hacking reports. We plan to continue to do so as the tweet stream allows our Twitter followers to keep up on the latest news on this very important situation. What is interesting to me as we gather these links and tweet them is how many news reports go…

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