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Category: Reading

Getting to Fall, Y’all!

Getting to Fall, Y’all!

It is hot here today, but I am not complaining. Okay, maybe a little, but the air conditioning is working, and it is cool (literally and figuratively). Still, I can tell Fall is coming, and I am looking forward to the change of seasons! I love the colors of autumn, the scents, the crispness in the air, the foods…

My Mental Remake of The Quiet Man Based on the Short Story and Movie

My Mental Remake of The Quiet Man Based on the Short Story and Movie

I have a mental game I like to play: making movies in my head. Sometimes I like to play the game by starting with an older classic movie or story. Sometimes I combine the movie and the story. I did that recently with The Quiet Man, mixing the short story and the movie. Here is a quick summary of what I devised, but first, a bit of background. Background John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara starred in the 1952 movie, which…

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Your Kids on Books

Your Kids on Books

The best advice any teacher ever gave me outside of recommending I accept Bryn Mawr College’s very generous scholarship offer was something another teacher told me when I was about 10 years old. She told me to read–read anything I could get my hands on and just keep reading. And, here I am, all this (ahem) decades later, and I still read just about anything I can get my hands on…thank goodness for public libraries. And, speaking of which, here’s…

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