Don’t Let the Old Man (or the Old Woman) In!

Don’t Let the Old Man (or the Old Woman) In!

Or, as someone said to me yesterday, “If I slump over, take the wheel!”

I read an article recently in the Hollywood Reporter about how Clint Eastwood is all set to direct a movie next year. He will be 93 years old then. Good for him, I thought! Then I read another article about him with more details. The Insider article says, “In an interview in 2014 with the Associated Press, Eastwood said the reason for his career longevity was “I never let the old man in.” The article also quoted Eastwood saying:

“There are so many different stories to tell out there,” said Eastwood. “You can be 21 or 81. … If you tell yourself, ‘I’m too old to do that’ — bulls—. You’re not too old to do anything.”

From the Insider article

Of course, some music and Eastwood fans may remember the 2018 Toby Keith song entitled Don’t Let the Old Man In, which turned up in Mule, Eastwood’s movie from the same year. In a December 2018 Billboard article, Keith explains how Eastwood inspired the song. Eastwood starred in and directed the movie, the production of which got underway on his 88th birthday! In the article Keith recalls, “He said, ‘I just get up every morning and go out. And I don’t let the old man in,’ ” Keith recounts. “And I thought, I’m writing that.”

Well, all this was an inspiration to me, of course. Hearing about people living their best lives at any and every age is always welcome inspiration for me. By the way, I was also inspired this week by President Biden’s announcement this week about seeking a second term. Good for him, too!

But, what got me from thinking to writing was an experience I had yesterday. I was using a ride-sharing service, and the driver was 87 years old! That was a surprise! He was a friendly guy, and we chatted a bit. He and his wife have been married 66 (!) years. I asked if he had any secrets for having such a long-term relationship, and he said he and his wife disagree on everything but religion and politics. I guess that makes it work for them.

I did not ask about his age. He volunteered the information and said he has been driving for the service for three years. He drives a few hours a day at most, whenever he wants to. It keeps him busy, and he plans to keep doing it, he said, as all his friends are long dead, and he likes to drive. He also said passengers will often ask if he thinks it is okay for him to be driving at his age, and he always tells them, “Well, if I slump over, take the wheel!”

Well, there you go! I had to chuckle, and then I knew I had to write this blog post. This is going to be my motto as I keep driving down the highway of my life. “Here we go: Look out, World! I’ve got stories to tell! I won’t let the old woman in, and if I slump over, take the wheel!”

Fair warning, everybody–at the end there I plan to be going over the speed limit by a considerably amount!

Featured image courtesy Yuvraj Singh via

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