Everybody Has Arms!

Everybody Has Arms!

I am a big fan of the online and TV shopping enterprise QVC, and one of the hosts, Carolyn Gracie, said something on a show which really resonated with me. This summer I was watching a show where she was selling clothing for women, including (it being summer) several tops without sleeves, and she was busy showing them off, chatting all the while.

She is business as usual, moving the clothing around on rack, talking about the colors, the fabrics, the prints. But then she stopped for a beat or two, turned to face the camera full on, and said something like, “Ladies, don’t be afraid to buy and wear sleeveless tops. Of course, you might like your arms to look better, we all do, but everybody has arms! We all have arms!” 

I was inspired by her words of wisdom. “Everybody has arms. Yes, they do!” I got out some of my sleeveless tops and have been wearing them more often. So, ladies! Wear those sleeveless tops,  stay cool, and be cool. When you worry about how you look or if people are judging you, say to yourself, “Everybody has arms!”

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