Girl, Stop Saying “I Think.”

Girl, Stop Saying “I Think.”

A friend of mine in her mid 20s told me QVC is launching a clothing line with Rachel Hollis, blogger and author of Girl, Wash Your Your Face and Girl, Stop Apologizing. My friend had mentioned it to me because I am, I admit, a big fan of QVC and a long-time customer.

By the way, QVC has a bookmarker page up on its site for the line, apparently the launch is set for sometime later this Spring.

My friend is a big fan of Hollis and was amazed I’d only slightly heard of the blogger and have not read her books. So, I checked them out and, yes, I will be reading both in the next few weeks or months.

But, that conversation morphed into a little broader discussion, and I began to share a few of my Girl, ________ thoughts and admonitions gained from years of experience being a younger woman and now as a Matron/Crone/Hag/Wise Woman. I may share more of my thoughts along the lines here at a later point, but for now here is one: Girl, Stop Saying “I Think.” 

In other words, when you make a statement in a meeting or at work, don’t be tentative. If you think you are making a good point or bringing up something important, then you are. You don’t think you are. You are. Your thoughts are valuable. Your conclusions are valid.

So, don’t preface your contribution by saying, “I think.” Of course you think it–you would not being saying it if you did not think it.

Just say it. Put it out there, proudly and simply. The smart people, the people who value you, will get it. Nobody else matters. Truly.

Girl, Stop Saying “I Think.”

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