I’m not enough

I’m not enough

Over the years I have realized if I am thinking something, then the chances are very good many people, even millions potentially, are thinking the same thing. So, I offer this poem I wrote today in that spirit and with that thought.

I’m Not Enough

You asked what I wanted.
I told you.
You wouldn’t do it.
I told you again and again.
You wouldn’t do it.

I’m not enough.

You said you didn’t want to lose me.
What could you do?
I told you.
You wouldn’t do it.

I’m not enough.

Now, if you do it,
You’d do it
With a huff and a puff.

You’d do it with a sigh
With a sneer.
“This enough for you?”

Sufficient to meet a need or satisfy a desire; adequate: synonym: sufficient. “enough work to keep us all busy.”

I’m not enough.

There’s a woman
Back there
You don’t want her to see
A text or a call
To (or from) an unknown number.

I’m not enough.

There’s a lifestyle
You have.
You like it.
You don’t want to change it.

I’m not enough.

All those years ago
I knew I wasn’t enough.
I still feel that feeling.
I know I’m not enough now.
I never will be.

Your (in)actions tell me this.
Tell me loud and clear.
You just want the attention.
You like the attention.

You know I’m not enough.
And never will be.

I’m not enough.
I never will be.
And I know that, too.

I wasn’t enough with him.
To keep his eyes sliding
Off of me
And on to those other women.
So many women.

He looked at me with blank eyes.
He looked at them with hungry eyes.

I was not enough
To keep him at home.
I knew that.

He told me that, too.
So many ways.
So many women.

I am not enough.

I wouldn’t be able to keep you at home, either.
I am not even enough to get

I am not enough.
I know that.


If you’d like to see the brief video I created to go with this poem on Instagram, you don’t have to go to Instagram. You can view it by clicking here. It is a public view link to the file on my Canva account.

If this poem/post/video resonates with you, I’d like to hear about it.

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