In Praise of Real Women

In Praise of Real Women

A few months ago I created an Instagram page for this blog (@mollyjossoutloud). Someone had asked me why I had a company page (@jossgroup), but not a personal one. I thought about it for a few minutes and then said, “Why not?” Since then I’ve posted frequently, often using videos using stock video and audio from Canva and sometimes Instagram (for the audio). Most of my posts do not get a lot of views, which does not concern me. The people who need to see my social media content will see it.

On April 27th, though, I posted a simple screen capture with a brief instrumental audio clip to accompany it. To my surprise, I’ve now had more than 2,500 views with a reach of more than 1,200 accounts, 69 likes, 18 shares, and four saves.

I was surprised at the speed and level of response, but also curious as to why. So a day or so ago I posted the same thing on LinkedIn on my page there and also in a LinkedIn group for women who work in the printing industry. So far, the group post has more than 500 impressions, and the post on my profile has nearly 100. Clearly, the sentiments expressed in the text have resonated with many people. It certainly did with me. So, I wanted to share it here:

I love being around
Real Women
The ones who tell it like it is
But are also full of grace
The ones who let you in on
their secrets of success
yet aren’t afraid to
share their shortcomings.
The ones who are
unapologetic in who they are
and offer space for you to be too.
Real Women
These are my people.

Source: Instagram @raiseherwild and @kendrakfit
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