It is That Time of the Year Again

It is That Time of the Year Again

It is that time of year again: the holidays. I do my best to enjoy the time and the various activities involved in ending up the year. Most of what I do is not traditional, but that is fine with me. I do the things I enjoy and eat what I like and do not worry about the rest of it all including expectations and norms.

Since I know for many people this time of year brings the most difficult days of the year and not the happiest I wanted to write this post. Difficult decisions and circumstances will abound for the majority of the world’s population during the next few weeks. And, I am not talking about whether to buy the cranberry sauce or make your own. 

I am talking about whether to spend your holiday time with people who share your blood but do not share your beliefs and attitudes. I am talking about piling up debt to meet some real or imagined travel and/or gift expectations even if that means paying the mortgage or the rent late or paying exorbitant credit card interest rates on high balances well into the next year. 

Whatever your decisions may be this holiday season, I ask you remember a few things as the next few weeks unfold in front of us all:

  1. Be kind to yourself and others. No matter where you are—at home or out and about—you could be standing or sitting next to someone who is trying their best not to fall apart.
  2. Little things make a big difference, like taking a few minutes to say hello and thank you to the checkout person or letting some else go ahead of you whether it is on the road or in the check-in line at the airport.
  3. Realize this too shall pass, but while waiting for January to come and the cacophony of social expectations to recede, realize you can make and should make the best choices for your own mental and emotional well-being. And, you do not owe anyone an explanation about your choices.

I am wishing you all, and the entire world, the happiest and healthiest of holidays, and may Peace on Earth become a reality for us all without delay.

Note: I have posted an abbreviated form of this post on the Joss Group Instagram account. If you would like to view it, click here. If you use Instagram, I invite you to follow us on that social media platform. Please share it this post or the Instagram version with others, as well.

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