Methbot: the Method by Which Russians Are Stealing Millions of Digital Advertising Dollars From Advertisers and Publishers Every Day

Methbot: the Method by Which Russians Are Stealing Millions of Digital Advertising Dollars From Advertisers and Publishers Every Day

Here we present the last of the articles which relate to the horrors Facebook has helped unleash on the world that my company, the Joss Group, published in the now defunct Digital Marketing Report newsletter. In this article, originally published in the January 2017 issue, we present a harrowing tale of theft on a dizzying scale.

When you read the article, I want you to think about what Putin might be doing with this money and how the same approach used to steal advertising dollars could be used to attack social media networks and followers. I promise you, too, that anything you come up with is nothing compared to what is really going on. Harrowing is the watch word…

I have pasted in below a JPEG of each of the pages from the issue with this article. Please let me know if you’d like to see a PDF of the issue. In addition, please do read the full report from WhiteOps; here is the link to the background information: The link for accessing the full report is in the background information.

Our article begins, “If this story had broken a few years ago, the company which broke open the story might have called it Ad Theft on Steroids or some such. Given the changes in popular culture, the reference made to methamphetamine in the WhiteOps special report on the latest, and most devastating to-date, of digital advertising theft operations is entirely current and apt. What WhiteOps first told the world about in late December 2016 is, indeed, theft on a dizzying scale.”

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