My First Story Created Using MyStoryBoarder

My First Story Created Using MyStoryBoarder

Recently MyStoryBoarder invited me to take their AI-enabled digital storyboarding software app out for a spin. Please note: I am not a compensated spokesperson or reviewer for the company. I am not sure why they approached me, but it seems they are eager to have people try out the app as it is beta and probably noticed some of my video reels on Instagram and LinkedIn I created using Canva. I appreciate the invite and the opportunity to use the software.

I used MyStoryBoarder to create a 10-scene video that ended up being about two minutes. I wrote a brief story (see below) about a young girl getting her first public library card, and then I let the app do whatever it wanted with what I wrote.

If you watch the video you will note major and minor differences from what I wrote to what the app generated including the addition of details I did not include. For example, the software make the kind woman who helped Emily a retired teacher. It also did not include some details I wanted to be included. I am not sure how to control this propensity or how to go back and remove what I did not create myself or add what I wanted to be included. I do intend to try the app a few more times, and it may well be there are controls I have not yet found or used.

The software chose the watercolor theme, created the images, wrote the captions, and created the voice-over. The entire process of generating the content from the app probably took 15 minutes after I made my selections and added the story, but I did not time it.

To view the video, click here. I also downloaded a PDF of the project. Downloading a video and a PDF are the two out-put options in the software.

Here is what I told MyStoryBoarder to use to create the video:

10 scenes
In the heart of a quiet town where the sun painted golden patches on the sidewalks, a six-year-old girl named Emily danced with excitement as she approached the local library. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation, for summer vacation had just begun, and she had made a promise to herself to read as many stories as she could before the leaves turned auburn and school beckoned her back. Clutching her mother’s hand, Emily skipped through the doors, her gaze immediately drawn to the towering shelves brimming with books of every size and color.

As her mother found a cozy nook in the corner to delve into her own novel, Emily wandered through the aisles, her small fingers trailing along the spines of countless adventures waiting to be discovered. She imagined herself as a daring pirate on the high seas, a brave knight facing dragons, and a clever detective solving mysteries that baffled the grown-ups. After much deliberation, Emily clutched a stack of books to her chest, her selection ranging from fairy tales to stories about the wonders of the universe.

With her treasures in tow, Emily made her way to the checkout desk, a smile beaming from ear to ear. However, her excitement was met with a gentle obstacle when the librarian, a bespectacled woman with a kind smile, explained that she needed a library card to take the books home.

‘But I’ve never had one before,’ Emily said, her voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and disappointment.

‘That’s alright, dear,’ the librarian replied. ‘We can get you signed up for one today. But first, we need a grown-up to fill out some information.’

Emily’s heart sank. Her mother was deep in her book and had insisted that Emily try to be more independent today. The little girl didn’t want to disturb her, but the thought of leaving the library without the books made her eyes brim with tears.

Just as Emily was about to retreat, a kind woman who had been observing the exchange from a nearby table approached. She had a warm, approachable face, and her eyes twinkled with understanding.

‘Seems like you’re in a bit of a pickle,’ the woman said, kneeling to meet Emily’s gaze. ‘How about I help you get that library card?’

Emily nodded, sniffling slightly as the woman offered a comforting smile. Together, they approached Emily’s mother, who was more than happy to help her daughter become a member of the library. With the woman’s guidance, they filled out the necessary forms, and soon, Emily was the proud owner of a shiny new library card, her name etched in bold letters across the front.

The kind woman, who introduced herself as Mrs. Parker, a retired teacher and a regular at the library, took a moment to show Emily how to use the card. She explained how the library was a place of endless knowledge and joy, a place where Emily could always find new worlds to explore.

With her new library card in hand and her stack of books stamped for checkout, Emily beamed with pride and gratitude. She thanked Mrs. Parker, who gave her a wink and a wave, promising to see her around the library during the summer.

As Emily left the library, her mother in tow, she clutched her books closer, feeling like the hero of her own adventure. She had not only discovered the magic of stories but had also made a friend and taken her first step into a much larger world. The summer stretched out before her, full of promise and endless possibilities, all available with the simple flash of her library card.

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