Odin Over Denver

Odin Over Denver

A friend of mine sent me a message this morning telling me I should take a look at a cool Web site, a wind map of the United States: http://hint.fm/wind/.

So,  here’s what I saw (see below). I drew the shape on the map to make it easier for others to see what I see: a face. I see eyes, a nose, a mouth and a beard, among other things. The tip of the nose is right over Denver, and the mouth is the small oval to the bottom right.


What’s going on, weather-wise, over Colorado and other states out west is something the weather folks call a bomb cyclone. I snapped the image below from CNN’s Web site shortly after visiting the wind map site, but the Odin image really gets the point across, don’t you think?

weather March 13 2019.png

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