Pondering Some of the Last Minute Activity on the Titanic

Pondering Some of the Last Minute Activity on the Titanic

I have to admit there have been times in the last few years (talking about my life during these past few years of COVID) when I contemplated scenes from second half the 1997 blockbuster movie Titanic.

Specifically, I mean the scenes where the ship musicians just play on while people are trying to get off the ship, and the situation is dire. For some, these scenes would seem idiotic. I mean, really, playing music with death and destruction all around? Really? Who would do that? Why would they do that?

I thought that way pre-COVID. It was crazy behavior. Now, a few years into this pandemic, I have reconsidered. During this time I have worked and taken care of day-to-day life. During this time I have lost family members and friends to the virus. I got vaccinated and then I got the booster shots. I wore a mask when I went out and about, which was not very often. I cried, I grieved, and I worried. Honestly, sometimes it has all felt like too much, but I carried on. I was not always calm, but I carried on doing what I know how to do.

This pandemic experience has made me reconsider my opinions of the musicians on the Titanic. In the most dire of circumstances, they carried on doing what they knew how to do. They put their talents to use as best they could as long as they could to eradicate some of the chaos. Not crazy behavior after all, but rather a stellar example.

Photo credit: Photo by Max van den Oetelaar, I found it on Unsplash.

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