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Tag: compassion

Tomorrow is Not Promised

Tomorrow is Not Promised

What I create from attempts to process my feelings, I do not normally share with others. I also do not normally share deeply personal content on this blog, so this post is an exception. During the last two years or so I have lost four people who meant a great deal to me. Two of them died after suffering protracted, punishing illnesses, one died from COVID-19, and one to suicide.

Recently I created the video on this post to commemorate the life of my niece Renee who died two years ago this month (COVID), but it is really about all of the loss.

Trust Violations

Trust Violations

This image (below) is from today’s issue of a newsletter I subscribe to, published by This snippet underscores for me why people do not trust Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Smart Home technology or doctors or politicians (the list goes on and on, right?). It is not the technology doing the harm; it is the people behind the technology who are doing the harm.

Nine Unique Opportunities for Compassion Every Day

Nine Unique Opportunities for Compassion Every Day

… A Johns Hopkins study found giving just 40 seconds of compassion can lower another person’s anxiety in a measurable way. 

A University of Toronto study found, in everyday life (e.g., the workplace) we have, on average, nine unique opportunities for compassion every day.