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Tag: politics

How Did a Russian Spy Get Elected President of the United States?

How Did a Russian Spy Get Elected President of the United States?

Recently on Twitter we received a query from a lovely woman in Canada, let’s call her Betsy to help protect her identity. She asked, understandably, “How in the world did a Russian Spy (Donald Trump) get elected President of the United States?” I promised Betsy an answer and here it is: Donald Trump was aided and abetted by senior people in the Republican party. These people pushed legitimate, non-Spy candidates out of the way during the Republican primary in order to…

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What Senator Harry Reid Told Congress About Donald Trump in September 2016

What Senator Harry Reid Told Congress About Donald Trump in September 2016

On September 15, 2016 Senator Harry Reid addressed the Senate and told his fellow Senators, and by extension, the entire Congress exactly what he thinks about Donald Trump. We know this because his comments are recorded in the Congressional Record. That’s right, he went on the record. Among other things, he called Donald Trump: a human leech; a notorious con artist; a swindler who, if given the chance, would “turn America into a big scam just like Trump University;” and a…

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Abraham Lincoln: Do Not Condemn Many for the Actions of a Few

Abraham Lincoln: Do Not Condemn Many for the Actions of a Few

Or how Abraham Lincoln, acting in 1862, set a good example for all of us to follow forever more. This is something I learned about Abraham Lincoln by reading American Gospel (authored by Jon Meacham). I quote from the book: In December 1862, “General U.S. Grant, then headquartered in Mississippi, issued General Order 11, which expelled Jews from the states under his control. It had been decided that ‘Jews, as a class’ were responsible for smuggling. Lincoln had that order…

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