The Mark of Happiness

The Mark of Happiness

Last week I spent an afternoon visiting the USGA Museum and Library in Liberty Corner, New Jersey. If you like golf or sports of any kind, then you will enjoy the exhibits and the putting green out back. If it is a really nice sunshiny day (as it was the day I was there) and there are no other museum visitors, then they might let you go round the green twice (as they did me).

I took a few photographs there (see the gallery below), but mostly I walked around enjoying myself studying the exhibits. Today, though, while preparing the Featured Image for this post, I found myself thinking more deeply about a phrase from the quote: “the mark of happiness.” I had not thought about happiness leaving a mark. I have heard, of course, of the Mark of the Beast (from the Book of Revelation), but Palmer’s turn of phrase has caught my attention. I will be looking for the Mark of Happiness in myself and others.

“I’ve been fortunate enough to spend my life doing what I wanted to do and making a living while doing it. If the mark of happiness is loving what you do and doing what you love, then I’m the happiest man who ever lived.”

Arnold Palmer, in 2004
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