Trust Violations

Trust Violations

This image (below) is from today’s issue of a newsletter I subscribe to, published by

This snippet underscores for me why people do not trust Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Smart Home technology or doctors or politicians (the list goes on and on, right?). It is not the technology doing the harm; it is the people behind the technology who are doing the harm.

Here is an example of how a company that makes technology that only people with serious illnesses need to use. Yet, this company may well have violated the trust of everyone who uses its products or suggests the use of its products in order to make a quick profit.

I will not belabor the point. I am sure you get it. We, the human race, have to be able to trust each other in order to work and live together. Sadly, this is not our shared reality today. We can make it that way. We really can, and we need to do it without having to drag companies and individuals into court or place legal restrictions upon technology, which (we all know) companies will work 24/7 to find ways to circumvent.

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