Welcome to Books for Graphic Artists!

Welcome to Books for Graphic Artists!

Books for Graphic Artists, February 2018

I am so excited to share this special Joss Group publication with you! We are calling it Books for Graphic Artists, and we plan to publish quarterly this year (February, May, August, and November). For years now I have been thinking about adding book announcement to the Seybold Report newsletter, but there are so many great new titles coming out we wanted to do more than run a brief announcement. In this format, we can share much more.

The theme for this launch issue is Books for Graphic Arts Professionals, and we talk about five books–give you a brief description of each title along with the basic facts (price, length, publication date, etc.) and a link to buy the title from Amazon. As we explain on the back page of this issue and below, Amazon has promised to send the Joss Group a small (very small) commission on each book purchased through the link in the issue. That’s how we get paid to do this. At least, that’s our plan.

With this objective in mind, we are not charging for this supplement, and feel free to share it on social media and via e-mail to well, just about anybody and everybody you think would like to read it.

The theme for the next issue is Books for Graphic Arts Teachers/Instructors, so please let me know if you want us to add anyone to the distribution list for that issue. We may even have the sign-up form and page for this up on the Joss Group Web site by then, so stay tuned. And, if you want to suggest a book for that issue, please get in touch.

Here is the access link to access this issue of Books for Graphic Artists:

Thanks so much! So happy to share this with you!
Molly Joss
Principal, the Joss Group

About the Amazon Links

The Joss Group is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for companies to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.

No advertising ever appears in any Joss Group newsletters, including the Seybold Report and the Digital Publishing Report, but we have included Amazon links in this document. The Joss Group will receive a small commission from Amazon sales resulting from clicks on the links in this supplement.

However, the Joss Group does not accept or seek remuneration directly from any book publishers, nor does the company accept or seek payment for writing about, or mentioning, a book in any newsletter, supplement, or white paper.

The Joss Group welcomes news releases or sample copies of books related to the graphic arts. Please use the contact information on this blog to get in touch and suggest or offer book-related information or review copies.

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