What Senator Harry Reid Told Congress About Donald Trump in September 2016

What Senator Harry Reid Told Congress About Donald Trump in September 2016

On September 15, 2016 Senator Harry Reid addressed the Senate and told his fellow Senators, and by extension, the entire Congress exactly what he thinks about Donald Trump. We know this because his comments are recorded in the Congressional Record. That’s right, he went on the record.

Among other things, he called Donald Trump:

a human leech;

a notorious con artist;

a swindler who, if given the chance, would “turn America into a big scam just like Trump University;” and

a spoiled brat raised in plenty.

In addition, he had read into the record the full text of an article written by the American journalist Kurt Eichenwald which Newsweek had published in its September 14, 2016 edition. The title of the article is How the Trump Organization’s Foreign Business Ties  Could Upend U.S. National Security. That’s right, the full article. It’s right there in the Record and on the record, thanks to Senator Harry Reid.

And, in summing up, Reid implores Senator McConnell and Speaker of the House Ryan to help protect America from the scourge and the unprecedented threat to America that is Donald Trump.

And, what have these two men and the rest of their Republican cohorts done to protect us? The answer to the question is clear, but I will tell you anyway: nothing. Absolutely nothing. And that epic, historical failure is going to be in the record, too, gentleman and ladies of the Republican Party. History will read it into America’s history and into the World’s history. When the American People needed you to put Country Before Party and Do the Right Thing, you caved. You cowered. You ran for cover.

I have pulled from the full Congressional Report entry for that day the four pages which contain Reid’s remarks and the full text of Eichenwald’s article by clicking on the link: what-harry-reid-told-the-senate-about-donald-trump-in-september-2016. I added some yellow highlighting to the file to make it easier to see some of Reid’s remarks.

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